CEO Helpline: 1800-2330-1950
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14/06/2023 * General Election and Bye Election to Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies - Poll Day Management of activities inside Polling Station.........
14/06/2023 * General Election and Bye Election to Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies - Appointment Polling Agents - comprehensive directions........
08/06/2023 * Measures related to Law & Order for cunduct of peaceful, free and fair General/Bye elections.........
08/06/2023 * Faciltations and Welfare measures for Polling personnel.........
06/06/2023 * Payment of honorarium to DEOs, ROs, AROs etc. and CAPF personnel deployed on eletion duty - Reg..........
06/06/2023 * Payment of remuneration and TA/DA to personnel deployed for eletion related duty.........
07/06/2023 * Officials for election duty - Requistion, Seniority, Exempted Category and other related issues etc........
04/10/2022 * Comprehensive instruction regarding Booth Level Officers..........
Date : 20/01/2023 * लोक प्रतिनिधित्तव अधिनियम 1951 की धारा 10-क के अंतर्गत निरर्हित व्यक्तियों के सम्बन्ध में । Read ..
04/10/2022 * Comprehensive instruction regarding Booth Level Officers .........